What to Do After Hit-and-Run Accidents

What to Do After Hit-and-Run Accidents

What to Do After Hit-and-Run Accidents

When the other driver fails to stop at the scene of the accident, it upends the usual legal process in …

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Concussion After a Car Accident: Symptoms and Treatments

Concussion After a Car Accident: Symptoms and Treatments

A concussion is one of the more common car accident injuries. When you have hit your head, or you have …

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Why Are Crush Injuries So Dangerous in a Car Accident?

Why Are Crush Injuries So Dangerous in a Car Accident?

Car accidents may cause severe injuries that can both put your life at risk and lead to long-term health effects. …

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Do You Need a Police Report to File an Accident Claim?

Do You Need a Police Report to File an Accident Claim?

When you file an insurance claim after a car accident, you need certain documentation to accompany your claim. The insurance …

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Why Is Texting and Driving Dangerous?

Why Is Texting and Driving Dangerous?

Approximately 270 million people in the U.S. use smartphones. Although most states have laws restricting or prohibiting it, you can …

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