Civil Litigation Attorneys in Camden, SC

The stakes are always high when you are involved in any type of dispute with another party.

There may be a considerable amount of money on the line, and your financial future could be at risk.

You should always seek help from an experienced civil litigation attorney who can represent you throughout the entire dispute process. Our team can work to secure you the best result for your particular situation. Reach out to our South Carolina civil litigation attorneys at Savage, Royall & Sheheen, LLP, to learn more about how we can help you.

What Is the Civil Litigation Process?

Civil litigation encompasses a diverse range of cases. These involve legal situations in which one party is seeking money from another, or both parties are seeking money. They can also involve instances in which one or both parties want to put a stop to certain conduct through the use of a court order called an injunction.

In any type of civil litigation case, one party would begin the lawsuit process by drafting a complaint, filing it with the court, and serving it on the other party. The defendant could turn around and also file a counterclaim against the plaintiff.

Broadly speaking, the two parties will gather information from each other through the discovery process. They would then either negotiate a resolution to the case or take the lawsuit to trial in front of a judge or jury.

Civil Litigation Cases that Savage, Royall & Sheheen, LLP Handle

At Savage, Royall & Sheheen, LLP, we represent clients in the following types of civil litigation cases:

Why Retain a Lawyer in Civil Litigation Cases?

The civil litigation process is detailed and complex. You must be prepared to present the strongest possible case. With a civil litigation lawyer assisting, you may be in a better position to settle your case on more favorable terms or win at trial.

A civil litigation attorney can investigate the facts of your case and help you compile the evidence that you need to prove your side of the story. They will also determine how much you may be due in damages should you win or settle your case.

Your attorney’s main role is to ensure that your legal rights are protected during the process when the insurance company or the defendant tries to encroach on them. You need a voice during your case who knows the law and the legal process.

How a Civil Litigation Attorney Is Paid in South Carolina

Your civil litigation attorney has their interests aligned with yours in the legal process. Their compensation only comes when and if you are paid damages in your case.

The size of their check is tied to the amount of money that you recover because they receive a percentage of the proceeds of your case. A civil litigation attorney will not ask you to pay money from your pocket for their services, and they will not send you a bill for their services if you do not win your case. Ultimately, there is no risk to you in getting legal help.

Why Hire Savage, Royall & Sheheen, LLP, as Your Civil Litigation Attorneys?

Our law firm has been in existence for over 90 years, providing high-quality legal representation to South Carolinians like you. While we are litigators at heart, and we are prepared to take every case to trial, we also provide you with pragmatic and practical legal advice. We leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of full and fair compensation for our clients.

Along the way, we will provide you with attentive service, while learning of your particular interests and needs. We will partner with you throughout your case.

Contact a South Carolina Civil Litigation Attorney Today

When you need a civil case lawyer on your side, reach out to Savage, Royall & Sheheen, LLP, today.

To achieve the most effective results, you should hire a lawyer at the very beginning of the civil litigation process. You can contact our firm to schedule an initial consultation where you can learn what to expect during the civil litigation process.

Call us today at 803-432-4391 or send us a message online to speak to a lawyer about your case.

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